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Date: May the 3rd (Friday)
Venue: Performativity Research Centre, Univerzitní 3, Olomouc, Czech Republic

The current relationship between humans and digital technologies is characterized by the close interplay of the virtual and corporeal. We live our lives with screens in our hands, on our desks or even directly on our heads, performing our physicality in and through the virtual. To tackle this interplay, we would like to bring together digital industries specialists, academics, and students in order to examine the topic of corporeal performativity in virtual environments. The workshop will delve into the virtual world of VRChat (2014) using both desktop and VR glasses. How does the interaction of physical and virtual differ when using various devices and how do we ourselves perceive this relationship? Is there even a difference between body performativity in the physical world and the digital one?


10.00 am Registration and coffee
10.30 am Introductory debate and a discussion on research questions
12.00 pm Lunch break
13.00 pm Interactive research within the VRChat platform in thematic clusters
16.00 pm Reflections
17.30 pm Closing remarks

The organizers are able to partly support the participants’ travel expenses.

For further information, please contact Veronika Veselková at