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All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players…

William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII

The Performativity Research Centre at the Department of Theatre and Film Studies of Palacký University in Olomouc is a scholarly platform for interdisciplinary research on issues informed by the concept of theatricality/performativity and inspired by the methodology of performance studies. Under its roof, researchers from different institutions and disciplinary backgrounds engage in various forms of discussion on the subject of performance/performativity, including publications, workshops and summer schools. The mission of the Centre is to disseminate and expand research on performative elements of human culture in different geographical and temporal contexts through its own activities and through the lecturing activities of its individual members, who are based at various Czech universities, including Palacký University. The Centre also operates a library specialising in literature on performance and performativity, as well as a video library and archive with material on a wide range of cultural and theatrical performances.